We've been mentioned by many!
Idemo na bliski istok, idemo u Irak 🇭🇷
❝ U Bagdadu smo se družili s lokalcima. Lokalce smo upoznali putem Iraqi Travellers Cafe Facebook grupe i upravo ti lokalci su nam pokazali Baghdad svojim očima.. ❞
Travel to Iraq in 2023 🇬🇧
❝ I can honestly say that the Iraqi Travellers Cafe is the best thing that happened to me in Iraq. ❞
Ausflug von Baghdad nach Samarra 🇩🇪
❝ Sehr hilfsbereite Kontakte kann man am besten über die Facebook Gruppe Iraqi Travellers Café aufbauen. ❞
Motorcycle travel in Iraq 🇬🇧 - Alex Reynolds
❝ Iraqi Travellers Cafe is most useful Facebook group about travel in Iraq, with thousands of members from inside and outside Iraq. A great place to go if you have any questions about travel in Iraq. ❞
Cesta do Iraku 2023 🇸🇰
❝ Az Iraqi Travellers Café egy kiváló Facebook csoport, amely azért jött létre, hogy összekapcsolja az Irakba utazókat és segíteni akaró helyieket ❞
Cultural Experiences Every Traveller Should Try - 🇬🇧
❝ It started with a Facebook group, called Iraqi Travelers Café. Through this group, I made friends who introduced me to their friends who then hosted me in their family homes.❞
How to Travel Iraq Independently and Stay Safe 🇬🇧
❝ In my case, two guys from the Iraqi Travellers Cafe picked me up and took me to my hotel, after which we spent the rest of the day hanging out by the Tigris river. ❞
Letter to Iraq 🇬🇧 - Agnes Simigh
❝ Thanks to the Iraqi Travellers Cafe Facebook group that brings together tourists and locals, I received help even before setting foot in the country and made lasting friendships upon departure. ❞
Арабската култура 🇧🇬
❝ Ако ви предстои пътуване до страната, най-ценните съвети ще откриете във фейсбук групата Iraqi Travellers Cafe. ❞
Cómo viajar a Irak en 2023 🇪🇸
❝ Iraqi Travelers Café es una fuente de información inestimable, donde podrás ponerte en contacto con iraquíes de habla inglesa. ❞
Insights into Iraq 🇬🇧
❝ The Iraqi Travelers Cafe is a popular Facebook group helping visitors to navigate the country. ❞
Irak, a Közel-Kelet egyik legismeretlenebb úticélja 🇭🇺
❝ U Bagdadu smo se družili s lokalcima. Lokalce smo upoznali putem Iraqi Travellers Cafe Facebook grupe i upravo ti lokalci su nam pokazali Baghdad svojim očima.. ❞